Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First outdoor activity - UN Cemetery

We visited UN Cemetery in Busan. When I was young, I sometimes went here to picnic with my kindergarten     friends and teachers. At that time, I didn't know about this UN Cemetery. But this visit, after I was grown up, I felt very differently.  

  Especially, it's very impressive that I met him who is brave soldier's son. He introduced everywhere in UN Cemetery very nicely even sometimes I couldn't here his voice but it's OK. I thought he is very warm-hearted but also I felt sorry for him because of his father's death in Korea.

There were many young soldiers' graves. It made me feel sorry and sad. 

Why people make war? Is there more cherish than the young man's life?

Finally, my first outdoor activity finished with many thoughts. I think UN cemetery is good for us and out descendant to memorize our war, our sacrifice and many helps from other countries.  

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